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May 2023: Taiwan

Taiwan’s tech news in May 2023 covered developments including TSMC’s moves to establish US-based semiconductor operations; agriculture-tech news from Taiwan; Taiwanese companies’ moves into ‘near-shoring’ to better access US end-markets; and more.

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SemiCon Taiwan Conference

SemiCon Taiwan Conference – September 6-8 2023

“Taiwanese authorities have estimated there are 20 to 40 million attempted cyberattacks every month from Beijing…”

“They’ve got a bigger hacking program than every other major nation,” Wray told a House Appropriations subcommittee on Thursday. He noted the overall number of agency investigations into threats from Beijing has grown by 1,300% over the last decade.

Indo-Pacific semiconductor supply chains

Mapping semiconductor supply chains – importance of the Indo-Pacific

Intelligence for Supply Systems

World Economic Forum: Shared Intelligence for Resilient Supply Systems

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