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Japan: February 2023

Japan’s tech news headlines in February of 2023 touched on subjects and technologies including moves towards a Japanese digital yen e-currency, tightening restrictions on semiconductor-related exports from Japan, renewed vitality in Japan’s startup ecosystem, and more.

For ongoing daily and weekly updates, see our other editions.

Indo-Pacific hybrid threats

ASPI: A proposal for an Indo-Pacific hybrid threat centre

“A key constraint of Japan’s startup ecosystem for decades had been the lack of labor market dynamism, with Japan’s top talent locked into lifetime employment arrangements at large firms and with traditional employers. Now, however, a strong positive feedback loop has developed in which greater human capital flows further drive accelerated labor market dynamism. This is fueling Japan’s startup ecosystem as it matures.”

Japan: “…the country plans to encourage its industrial giants – long at the forefront of chips, cars, batteries and machines – to invest in startups and pique technological progress at home…”

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

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Critical technologies, Quarterly - Q4 2023

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