Boosting the signal on Asia's tech news

Asia Tech News Monthly, June 2024
Asia tech newsletters
Cyber attacks in Asia-Pacific in Q1 2024

Thailand: March 2023

Thailand’s tech news in March 2023 touches briefly on subjects including the post-merger emergence of a major telco in Thailand, securities regulator scrutiny of Thai cryptocurrency markets, newly-announced entrepreneur visas under True Digital Park, and more.  Hit the links below to read each article in full, online.

Our other editions include daily, weekly, monthly, and mobile technology news updates.

Indo-Pacific hybrid threats

ASPI: The case for an Indo-Pacific hybrid threats center

“The proposed regulation aims to provide greater protection to investors, reduce associated risks, and prevent a misunderstanding that deposit taking and lending services are under the same supervision as regulated digital asset businesses.”

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

Asia’s tech news headlines

Our other news editions go out on a range of platforms and channels, and across a range of timeframes, highlighting key tech news from across Asia and the Indo-Pacific, and showcasing the region’s startups and technology developments:

Critical technologies in May 2024

© 2024 STARTUP NEWS ASIA by Wade K Wright / Asia's tech news weekly

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