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Asia Tech News Monthly, June 2024
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Cyber attacks in Asia-Pacific in Q1 2024

Indonesia: June 2023

Indonesia’s tech news in June 2023 spanned developments including SpaceX’s entry to Indonesia, peer-to-peer lending for Indonesia’s MSME sector, fisheries-focused digital management platform news from Indonesia, and more.

Hit each headline below to read the Indonesian tech news article behind it in full, online and free-of-charge.

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Lowy Institute: How Indonesians see the world

Lowy Institute: How Indonesians see the world – survey results

“Indonesian President Joko Widodo is betting big that a halt on exports of the resource-rich country’s raw minerals slated for next month will draw investment, bringing more jobs and economic development.”

Indo-Pacific semiconductor supply chains

CSIS: Mapping semiconductor supply chains – Indo-Pacific’s importance


For ongoing updates on tech news headlines from across Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific:

Critical technologies in May 2024

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